
No Solicitors Signs

List of Active Solicitors

Displayed below are organizations currently authorized to engage in solicitation within the Village of Inverness.  Should you, as a resident, be approached by an unlisted organization, please contact 911. Organizations not listed but desiring a solicitor's permit should refer to the Solicitation Permits section provided below.

Active Solicitors List

Permit # Solicitor's Name Company Name Permit Start Date Permit End Date
2024-01 Tomas Alfaro Sunshine Exteriors, LLC 04/16/2024 04/20/2024
2024-02 Tomas Alfaro Sunshine Exteriors, LLC 04/23/2024 04/27/2024







Avoid opening the door to unfamiliar individuals. If you feel uneasy, refrain from opening the door and contact 911 if faced with an aggressive solicitor or stranger seeking entry into your home. You are not obliged to greet unknown visitors.

It shall be unlawful for any person to canvass, solicit, or peddle upon any private property in the Village where the owner, occupant, or person legally in charge of the premises has posted at the entry to the premises, or at the entry to the principal building on the premises, a sign bearing the words "No Peddlers," "No Solicitors," “No Canvassers”,  “Peddlers , Solicitors or Canvassers Prohibited” or similar words.